Friday, October 06, 2006

We must be proud of her

Look at her face carefully.What do you see?I see the pride of a persian woman that is mixed with a sweet smile.Yeah,She is Anousheh Ansari,The first iranian in space,the first female Muslim in space,and the first female space tourist.I think her other record is spending about $ 18.5 million for her 10-day trip to the space.WoW,It means $ 1.85 million per day!
There are many people around the world that wish they were her instead.She herself says that everything is possible only if you want to.


Anonymous said...

This is great! It's proof that anyone can accomplish anything they want to. This is definitely a great story. I hope everything goes great for her.

Anonymous said...

شرمنده من انگلیشم همچین خوب نیست واسه همین فارسی می نویسم.
از این به بعد حتما" به وبت سر می زنم. چون منم شدیدا" به اموزش نیاز دارم!
در اسرع وقت هم لینکتون می کنم.

Anonymous said...

سلام دوست عزیز
من هم مثله مریم خانوم(یه دل کوچولو) انگلیسم خوب نیست اما خوب من می تونم ترجمه کنم اما خوب نمی تونم انگلیسی بنویسم(کلی غلط املای دارم)اما کارت خیلی ارزش داره...من لینک شما رو تو وبلاگم گذاشتم و هر کمکی از دستم بر بیاد دریغ ندارم...در مورد مطلبت هم باید بگم که می دونی چی دیدم :من یه زن دیدم که تونست کاری کنه که من بتونم سرم رو بالا بگیرم وبگم که بله من هم ایرانی ام

Anonymous said...

سلام دوست عزیز
لینکتون رو توی وبلاگم گذاشتم
از اینکه یه اهوازی دیگه به جمع بلاگر ها اضافه شده خیلی خوشحالم.
امیدوارم دوستان خوبی برای هم باشیم
موفق باشید

Anonymous said...

when my english weblog gets ready , I whill link you !

Anonymous said...

There are many people around the world that wish they were in her stead.

There are many people around the world who wish they were here instead.

Ali, overall, your English is very good. You must find people to speak with verbally. Your English improve by leaps and bounds!

Anonymous said...

Oops...I made a mistake:

There are many people around the world that wish they were in her stead.

There are many people around the world who wish they were her instead.

I made a typo. I put an e after her which reads here. Ooops! Sorry.