Cyrus the Great was founder of the Persian Empire.He was admired as a liberator rather than a conqueror,because he respected the customs and religions of each part of his vast empire, and allowed all the people to live in peace and harmony.Cyrus issued a decree citing his policies and aims, which became known as the Charter of the Rights of Nations.This charter was the first declaration of Human Rights and is displayed at the British Museum.
Because of the freedom that he presented to humanity i think we should call him "The King Of Freedom".
tnq for your help susan...
it's very nice of u if u put the link of my blog in your blogrolling list...
stay in touch with me,cause u can be very useful for me...
thanx alot
all that i am dining for...:persia
hi man
i am too old
bt the style and matrial of your blog is great
keep going !!!
it is good to use haloscan as comments host
there is a link between blogger and this website and also you can use blogrolling for your links
whenever you uptodate your blog you can ping and all the members will know about this
i will add your blog so soon
be happy all the time
Cyrus, I think we have something to learn from him still, good choice of subject.
I'm Katy,
from Syria,
and I'm 17 y.o
Hi, All
I've studied English sinse Winter .
It's very difficult for Me! Really hard!
I want like to meet boys and girls and practisice My English with them.
hi Ali, i got a stiff when i find this blog...its from a long time i'm looking for some iranian guy that can show me how iranian life is beautiful.....
dont stop write on this....
a girl from italy!!!!
Hi Alireza!
My name is Jim and I live in the USA. I have been reading lots of blogs from Iran and noticed you are studying English. I hope to come back and keep reading. If you want to ask any questions from a native English speaker I would be happy to help!
dorud be bacheye ahvaz, dorud be hameye hamshahria
Nice blog.
well done, keep it on ...
I like your blog and maybe you would be interested in the article on my blog about George Bush attempting to declare the Revolutionary Guard terrorist?? Best Wishes from Gabriel in Ireland http://unrepentantcommunist.blogspot.com/
Hi there.... I just wanted to have you check out our Online Iranian Television Station....it's not your typical iranian television network...we're run by young people and our programming is predominately for young people....
I would appreciate your feedback and if you like the site I would appreciate your support by spreading the message either to friends and family or through your blog.
Thank you
mike kazerouni
nice blog you are writting and an interesting topic...good luck check my blog http://elvisp.blog.com
pcPUus Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
nUrbJ2 Nice Article.
K06J3e Please write anything else!
R4oztR Wonderful blog.
Good job!
Hello all!
hey alireza
you have the best webloge ever
I want to be freind with you if its possible
do u have Yahoo Messenger?
If you do add me as a freind please:
I have never been to Iran, but have seen it in the distance from Iraq three times in my life. Here is a connection which provides links to a seven part series I posted on Iran. If you ever have the time and inclination, you might let me know what you think of it -
Hello Ali,
I'd like to correspond with you so please contact me at:
Nice blog, it looks like you gave up so easily. I think you should keep blogging it will help to improve your English.
I am a South African man travelling with 2 friends from Johannesburg. We will be in Tehran from Wed 30th December till Sunday 3rd January, and would really like to meet some young Iranians who speak English.
We will also be in Isfahan from Sunday 27th December to Wed 30th December.
Please email me at zubair.habib@gmail.com if this is possible.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
I'm an American who visited Iran about 5 years ago as a tourist. We loved the country and the people. In fact, in my opinion the Persian people may be the only real friends America has left in the Middle East, and if anyone understands the real conflict between Islam and everyone else, it's the Iranians.
My observation in a nutshell: Long live the Persian Empire -- down with Islamic hegemonists.
Best wishes and good luck.
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