Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Patriot

An obvious specification which is seen in iranians is that they are patriots.No matter where they are,they never forget their motherland and culture.I think it's because of the 2500-year civilization of persia that cause iranians feel pride to the other nations.
you can see the effect of this reality in my blog which is full of the words that somehow are related to Iran and Iranians.What do you feel about your country?Are you a patriot?


Anonymous said...

مي خواهم بنويسم بر کاغذ... اما کاغذ را محرم حرفهاي دلم نمي دانم ... چاره اي نيست جز نوشتن بر باد...

من اپم

Anonymous said...

Patriotism is a problem most of the time, it looks to the past in order to maintain reasons to be separate from those around us.

I don't have to help her because she is in another country.

I don't have to share with them because they are in another country.

slobeck said...

The word "patriot" is so important that it has many meanings. It can be seen as either virtuous or contemptuous depending both upon the assigner of the label and the assignee's perspective. It is what is often called, in the American English vernacular, a "loaded word."
Perhaps implying a loaded gun and hence the care with which one should use it.
Then again, the American government is supressing dissent by questioning the patriotism of it's citizens who disagree with it. They also use it to incite a sort of fervor that adds a weird religious-like quality to their warmaking. So I might be more sensative to the word than some at the moment.

I like to think, however, that I am a patriot precisely BECAUSE I engage in dissent.

I guess I'm on the no-fly list now. -- (he laughs nervously)

Anyway, good article. You're meaning may come across a little confusing. The grammar is perhaps a little rough. Here's yours:

An obvious specification which is seen in iranians is that they are patriots.

What do you think of this suggestion? I might have written:

Iranians are well known for their strong patriotism. And it shows.
Iranians the world over, no matter where, never forget their motherland and it's great 2500 years of advanced civilization.

I hope I don't come off pushy about this. I love reading others English essays and working on style with them. I enjoy it far more than actually writing. So carry on! You're doing great!

Harpo Schlotzki said...

I'm an American, and I feel that patriotism is a strange thing over here. I would define my sense of patriotism as a loyalty to an ideal, of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, not just a flag or a word or a shape on the map or an ethnicity. I think those are dangerous things can be exploited easily.

For some reason though, I'm in love with Iran. I don't really have a particular REASON to love Iran, I just do. I love its history, its complexity, its mystery, but as for the nation itself, I don't understand it.

This blog fascinates me. What is your definition of patriotism? Because I know the government says a lot of things to its people on the subject with a heavy emphasis on martyrdom, and I know the people respond to that in a lot of different ways, but I know most people are also predisposed to have fondness for the place of their birth. What is patriotism like on the ground there, in Iran?

Gransar said...

great discussion.

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